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Revolutionary IT Process enables IT Enterprise Transformation through Automation

Somerset, NJ. — GalaxE.Solutions, a pioneer in enterprise transformation, announced the launch of a new Enterprise Transformation as a Platform (eTaap™) solution called GxFource™ The announcement was made by Tim Bryan, CEO and Sandipan Gangopadhyay, President and COO GalaxE.Solutions.

In an era of transformation and continuous innovation, GxFource™ delivers results, leveraging 4 fully integrated elements:

  • Products: Data-driven automation that drives down headcount through GalaxE’s
    Gx suite of comprehensive offerings
  • Playbooks: State-of-the-art, proven, mature methodologies
  • Expertise: Top-level transformational engagement/subject matter experts/engineers
  • Services: From AI to Application Development, Business Consulting and more

The GxFource™ model is predictive, configurable and agile, it mitigates risk, reduces costs and vastly improves reliability. This enhances speed to market. GxFource™ gives executive leaders confidence that their vision will become a reality for companies in virtually any industry sector. This includes healthcare, pharma, financial services and retail.

And just in time — over 90% of companies identify the need for transformational strategies, while only 47% have them.* Why? 70% of all traditional transformational projects fail.**

“GalaxE’s approach is unique, our use of automation achieves critical change,” said Bryan. “This is an entirely new way of achieving transformational outcomes. GxFource™ is the new eTaaP™ framework that provides the right products, playbooks, expertise and services to deliver exceptional results.”

GalaxE.Solutions 30-year Fortune 500 client history includes healthcare organizations, pharma/life sciences organizations, major national retailers, financial and legal institutions.

About GalaxE.Solutions
GalaxE.Solutions, Inc. specializes in platform-driven enterprise transformation. With more than 30 years of experience in the healthcare, retail, and financial industries, we specialize in complex, large-scale precision work with a fully integrated automation platform that delivers predictable results and targeted goals. Based in Somerset, New Jersey, GalaxE has additional offices and delivery centers around the globe. For more information about GalaxE.Solutions and today’s industry leading eTaaP™ visit GalaxE.com or call +1-732-868-0400.

* Source: https://www.innosight.com/insight/creative-destruction/

**Source: https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/retail/our-insights/the-how-of-transformation

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