DevOps 7 Maturity Tiers

DevOps is a software engineering practice that unifies product development (dev) and operations (ops). It can create more frequent releases with shorter development cycles that result in more reliable products that aligns with your business objectives.

Health Plan Provider use of Blockchain for EMR

Implementation of Blockchain for EMR, with the goal of providing a consolidated 360 degree view we revolutionize the industry by integrating information available at various points of care. By treating all data sources from various organizations as blocks in the chain, on demand availability, and AI predictions can become the new way of providing effective healthcare.

Voice Technologies for Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers need to focus on lowering cost, increasing personalized and timely attention to patients, and alignment with the next generation of patients and around the clock availability. By leveraging voice technologies, which will soon be a mainstay in homes around the globe, providers are easily available to patients and can provide the level of personal care the next generation demands.